Sunday, January 20, 2008

pretty pretty princess

the patriots won this afternoon. unfortunately, i missed the entire game because i was at practice (scrimmage against brandeis!). i crossed through the z-center when there was 3:30 left in the 4th quarter, tried to speed walk/run to simmons to maybe catch the end of it....but alas, FAILED. i think emily took a nap during the game, so cindy was the only one who saw any of it.

in between playoff games, we played another round of pretty pretty princess. petek joined us this time, but unfortunately, we couldn't get ben to play.

petek, the newest pretty pretty princess

ben can't stand the sight of the ridiculousness, nor would he participate :(

in order to deposit balls and score, we needed a ramp to push the balls out of the robot. i built the ramp that knight suggested, which worked well, except the kit didn't include enough flat gears. when we first got the lego kit, i thought there were way too many pieces in it than we needed. now i don't think there are enough.

we borrowed a few of team 07's balls to test out the ramp. they got a little creative with their game balls...

emily created some sparks with our happyboard as the poor soldering of the battery wires to the happyboard by the TAs came off the board. unfortunately, the board stopped working, and when we tried to boot it up, we got a :( instead of a :) = unhappyboard. perhaps it was also sad that the packers lost to the giants. :(

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