Thursday, January 17, 2008


from the The Cambridge Chronicle hopped right on it and, while they couldn't reach the owner, things aren't looking so good for the burnt caramel: "Toscanini’s Ice Cream, a mainstay for cool treats in Central Square since 1981, may not ever open again, and its owner, Gus Rancatore, owes the state’s Department of Revenue more than $167,000 in back taxes."

tosci's is gone forever?!?! the state of massachusetts should understand what they did -- didn't some of its residents throw a crapload of tea into the ocean to protest taxes back in the day? *sigh.

after work, i went to solder some more of our sensors (specifically, the LEDs and phototransistors). kelly, jeremy, and jake's group was there as well, so kelly came by to hang out while the boys fiddled with their robot. i would ask her a question about how to solder the sensor, and she would go find jake and he would tell me what i needed to do. it was flipping fantastic. :) i think our phototransistors would've looked extremely bad if it wasn't for team 07's help.

we decided to blow off workshop 4 and instead got assignment 3 checked off. the robot didn't work as well as it did in the video, but it was enough for us to get checked off. we also purchased 4 more motors just in case we need them later.

time to start building the real robot. :)

1 comment:

mchan said...

i still have a free coffee to redeem from them!!