Saturday, January 19, 2008

a day of massive productivity

cindy and i were supposed to head over to simmons at 8am. unfortunately, i have become too good of friends with my snooze button and hit it one too many times, so i rolled out of bed at 8. cindy, on the other hand, didn't wake up to her alarm and woke up when emily called her at 8:20. apparently we don't do well with early morning meetings.

i worked on the gear box all day long -- it took us a while to learn how to attach two motors to one wheel, but we figured it out after watching a few youtube videos and asking david who lives across the hall from emily.

gearbox version 1.0

we decided the first version of the gearbox was a little too big, so i tried to make it smaller. it sounds so easy to do, but it took a ton of thinking and about 2 hours.

gearbox version 2.0

as i worked on the gearbox, cindy and emily worked on making a ball shooter. even though we might not use this on our robot, it sure was cool.

after running some errands in the afternoon (cvs, sprint store, star market) we arrived back at simmons before kelly, jake, and jeremy, who went on a target/costco trip. we had asked kelly to buy us pot pies from costco, which were going to be our dinner, so while we waited for them, we decided to play a round of pretty pretty princess.

the game board

the pink princess

the blue princess

the green princess

we watched an antm cycle 4 marathon while we worked on the robot in the evening (i worked on connecting the two gear boxes together, cindy worked on assignment 4, and emily played with the happyboard and the sensors). we even caught the episode where tyra banks started yelling at one of the girls who was eliminated, which was very very entertaining. i think we got cindy (who had never seen an episode before tonight) hooked on the show. :)

here is the result of our day's work. it's not exactly doing what we wanted it to do...but it was so late that we called it a night and decided to fix it tomorrow.

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