mlk day = no work! i got to sleep in for the first time in 2 weeks. we decided to meet at 11am at lab, and i rolled out of bed at 10:45. GLORIOUS. :D
unfortunately, the 6.270 organizers also took the time to sleep in, because the doors were locked when we showed up at lab. greg finally showed up at noon and let us into lab.
apparently we fried a chip in our board when the battery wires came off. greg handed us a new happyboard that had parts that were soldered by the ta's, meaning that they probably did a better job than we did. he also sent out an email because of us --
- Some teams have been having trouble with the flimsy battery connector coming off (sometimes shorting the board in the process). You may wish to hot glue the connectors to give them a little more structural support. Greg
emily and i took a look at the game board and decided that instead building a ramp, we would use the ball shooter. we spent a good 10 minutes throwing the game balls into the bins, and at the end of that, we decided that it would be better to roll the balls through the slots instead of shooting the balls over the wall into the bins.
we trekked to thailand cafe at 4pm for lunch, and afterwards, went our separate ways. emily had a prestudy meeting, i had practice (which i skipped in order to sleep some more), and cindy wanted to get her life back in order (aka fold the laundry that she finally washed). we reconvened at around 10pm and worked. or at least tried to.
emily had been trying to get our robot to drive straight using shaft encoding. here are the results of tonight's efforts --
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