Sunday, January 13, 2008


oh cowboys... :(

emily and cindy came by after practice to discuss assignment 2. practice ended at 5, and the cowboys-giants game started at 4:30, so i was slightly distracted when we talked about the strategy for our robot. we ended up deciding that our robot would traverse its way around the board once, depositing balls into the correct bins along the way and then go to our opponents 4 point bin and scoop their balls out of that bin. the way we would do the last part was to build an arm of sabotage that would reach over the wall of the board and scoop out the balls like a shovel. we would leave the skunk ball alone.

the cowboys game ended with tony romo throwing an interception in the end zone. cindy had the "brilliant" idea of naming our robot tony romo, because he comes through during the regular season but can't pull it out in the playoffs. i thought that was a terrible idea. then we proceeded to watch the botched field goal from last year's cowboys-seahawks game. :(

our robot is not going to pull a tony romo.

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