Tuesday, January 15, 2008

soldering and such

i overslept. again. *sigh.

i walked into work at around 9:40 (an hourish after i usually do), and learned that our weekly group meeting had been moved to 10am. since i was late getting to work, and my experiments were going to take all day, i decided to skip the meeting. here's the exchange that i had with my supervisor when he came into the cell culture room after the meeting:

me: how was the meeting?
sean: *looks around* you can't tell anyone this yet...
me (thinking. GAH. the one meeting i go to and i miss all the exciting stuff...)
sean: aileen quit.

(aileen = the head of our group)

it was a jaw-dropping, shell-shocking moment. for me at least. but i am just the summer/iap intern so i'm not really in the loop.

anyway, me getting into work = me leaving late. i apologize to cindy and emily who were busy tooling away in the course 6 labs. or trying to get our evil happyboard to work.

we attended workshop 3 tonight, which was infinitely more entertaining because team 07 (jeremy, jake, kelly) was there as well. tonight's project: attach wires and headers to our sensors, and get them to work on our happyboard. life would've been much easier if only our happyboard was not evil, and did not print random letters and sad faces all the time. cindy managed the soldering iron, emily tried fixing the happyboard, and i got to play with legos.
:) we make an excellent team, if i say so myself. whether we actually make a functioning robot is a completely different story.

the one sensor that took us forever to make was the breakbeam sensor, and that was probably because i soldered it. i also managed to melt some of the plastic on the sensor because i wasn't paying attention to where i put the iron, and burn my left index finger. then cindy took over, and everything went a lot faster. i think we ended up working on the sensor for 45 minutes...

cindy's amazing soldering drive caused her to solder the wires on the motors together

we left lab at 11. i have a sinking feeling that this is going to become a habit.

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